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Recommendations made
pediatrician - Dr. Victоr Аbdоw
Rоckville, МD, USА.


Is it allowed to take Crystal meth during lactation?
Is it safe for a nursing mother and a child?

A sympathomimetic drug, powerful stimulant of the central nervous system, whose action and uses are similar to dextroamphetamine. It has been used in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but above all it is considered an illegal drug (Chomchai, 2016; Bartu, 2009). It is partially metabolized to amphetamine and is highly addictive. It is excreted in breast milk (Chomchai, 2016; Bartu, 2009), with a slower elimination than in plasma, as the half-life in milk is 40 hours, disappearing completely from the milk 1 day before the values ​​in urine are negative (Chomchai, 2016). In order to avoid exposure to the infant, it is estimated that 48 hours (Bartu, 2009) to 100 hours (Chomchai, 2016) should pass after the last use of methamphetamine before breastfeeding or, more safely, when the detection in the mother's urine is negative (Chomchai, 2016). A breastfeeding mother who inhaled methamphetamine was accused of the cot death of her 2-month-old baby, although there has been some question as to whether methamphetamine in milk was the cause (Green, 1996; Ariagno, 1995). There is little information on the impact of amphetamine abuse on infant development and health (Oei, 2012), but it is known that they are more exposed to social problems, domestic violence, and lower rates of breastfeeding (Shah, 2012, Oei, 2010). Amphetamines do not cause significant decreases in prolactin levels (DeLeo, 1983). Methamphetamine withdrawal caused increased prolactin secretion (Zorick, 2011). Its use as an illegal drug is totally discouraged (Oei, 2012). See below the information of these related products:



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Types of risk

It is allowed while breastfeeding. It is not dangerous for a baby. It is moderately safe. more...

Possible presence in breast milk is allowed. Follow the doctor's recommendation. more...

An unsafe drug, it is necessary to assess the risks while taking. Use safer analogs. more...

It is not recommended. You need to stop breastfeeding or choose a safe analog. more...

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