1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 5.00 (94 Votes)

Recommendations made
pediatrician - Dr. Victоr Аbdоw
Rоckville, МD, USА.


Is it allowed to take Pennsaid ™ during lactation?
Is it safe for a nursing mother and a child?

Pennsaid is a tradename that contains a main active ingredient in its composition: Diclofenac (Very Low Risk) For more information (pharmacokinetics, references, ...) tap the name of the active ingredient. Note: The composition of certain tradenames varies in each country. Please, make sure this is the composition of the tradename you are looking for..



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Types of risk

It is allowed while breastfeeding. It is not dangerous for a baby. It is moderately safe. more...

Possible presence in breast milk is allowed. Follow the doctor's recommendation. more...

An unsafe drug, it is necessary to assess the risks while taking. Use safer analogs. more...

It is not recommended. You need to stop breastfeeding or choose a safe analog. more...


+3 #4 Reviewer: Alv , 35-44 Female on Treatment for less than 1 month (Patient) 2018-11-13 12:33
This review is based on lcl knee damage. It does not help in any manner of removing or lessening pain. But it does help when rubbed down my spine for back pain.
+3 #3 Reviewer: 35-44 Female on Treatment for less than 1 month (Patient) 2017-11-12 12:05
I was given a trial of this medication for golfers and tennis elbow and bursitis and impingement of my shoulder. It took me from a 7/10 pain to a 6/10 pain. I had stomach pain and it interacted with my skin and made me smell like spoiled milk. It has caused great trouble in my marriage. I will not be using it any longer.
+3 #2 Reviewer: sabragirl, 45-54 Female on Treatment for 1 to 6 months (Patient) 2017-06-30 04:06
Broke my ankle 17 years ago and was prescribed this drug for osteoarthritis. Pain is much better after using this.
+3 #1 Reviewer: 65-74 Female on Treatment for less than 1 month (Patient) 2017-06-22 09:08
used the samples from my Dr- BUT WHO CAN afford this medication - not ME

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