1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 2.20 (7 Votes)

Recommendations made
pediatrician - Dr. Victоr Аbdоw
Rоckville, МD, USА.


Is it allowed to take Prozac ™ during lactation?
Is it safe for a nursing mother and a child?

Prozac is a tradename that contains a main active ingredient in its composition: Fluoxetine (Low Risk probable) For more information (pharmacokinetics, references, ...) tap the name of the active ingredient. Note: The composition of certain tradenames varies in each country. Please, make sure this is the composition of the tradename you are looking for..



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Types of risk

It is allowed while breastfeeding. It is not dangerous for a baby. It is moderately safe. more...

Possible presence in breast milk is allowed. Follow the doctor's recommendation. more...

An unsafe drug, it is necessary to assess the risks while taking. Use safer analogs. more...

It is not recommended. You need to stop breastfeeding or choose a safe analog. more...


+3 #3 Reviewer: rosan, 25-34 Female on Treatment for 1 to less than 2 years (Patient) 2018-05-28 11:33
It definitely helped me through hard times. On the good side, i was neutral emotionally. On the bad side I got pssd and also rage symptoms (that i never had) that may remain or may not for the rest of my life.
+3 #2 Reviewer: Rebecca, 45-54 on Treatment for 6 months to less than 1 year (Patient) 2018-03-23 01:32
When my doctor mentioned Prozac to treat my depression eight months ago, I hesitated to take it. He explained the benefits of prozac. It took me a month to see the positive results. I am so glad I did. I feel wonderful. No more anxiety/panic attacks.
+3 #1 Reviewer: Bob, 55-64 Male (Patient) 2017-07-12 07:07
I take 100mg per day for 20 years. Works better than the maximum dosage of Prozac. Side effect of dry mouth, dry skin, It costs much less per dose if you buy it in the 100 count bottle.

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