Is it allowed to take Ginger during lactation? |
The root of this herb is used.It contains oleoresin and essential oil along with sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, and spicy substances (gingeroles and shogaols).Attributed properties: digestive, carminative, antiemetic and anti-inflammatory.Indications according to Commission E of the German Ministry of Health: motion sickness, vomiting (pregnancy, post surgery), anorexia, dyspepsia. Plant widely used in many countries as a condiment and as a medicine. In some cultures its consumption increases during pregnancy or lactation without reported complications (Nordeng 2004, Chen 2013, Kennedy 2013). It is used as a galactogogue by cultures from several continents (Raven 2007, Lamxay 2011, Sim 2103). A study with few participants shown an increase of milk production within the first 6 days postpartum but not later; there was no change on prolactin levels (Paritakul 2016). The best galactogogue result is achieved by a frequent on demand suckling and using a correct technique (ABM Protocol No. 9 2011). It may be considered compatible with breastfeeding (Dennehy 2011)Abuse may be a cause of clotting issues (bleeding) and heartburn. |
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Types of risk
It is allowed while breastfeeding. It is not dangerous for a baby. It is moderately safe. more...
Possible presence in breast milk is allowed. Follow the doctor's recommendation. more...
An unsafe drug, it is necessary to assess the risks while taking. Use safer analogs. more...
It is not recommended. You need to stop breastfeeding or choose a safe analog. more...